Topstitch chrome bulk needles resist heat and wear. The needle stays cooler with less stitch distortion. Thread passes through the eye with less friction. Chrome allows the needle to penetrate through fabric with less resistance. SCHMETZ Topstitch chrome bulk needles have a long eye that make it particularly suited for patchwork/quilting and anywhere where thick threads are used. The topstitch needle can be used with a wide range of fabrics. The SCHMETZ Topstitch chrome bulk needles work with all home sewing machine brands.
Needle system 130 N.
100 needles per box.

Topstitch Needle Type (per Color Chart)

Slightly Rounded Point
Regular Eye
With SCHMETZ you have choices. Here are our suggested applications:
- Topstitch, heavy, multiple, or poor quality threads
- Patchwork, quilting
- Machine embroidery